Inception Stakeholder Workshop – Ghana

by | 25 Jul 2017 | English | 0 comments

nullOn Thursday 1 June 2017 an Inception Stakeholder Workshop was held in the ISSER Conference Centre at The University of Ghana. There was an impressive turnout at the event with representatives from State Ministries, Political Parties and the Civil Service.

The workshop was led by Professor Peter Quartey from the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research at The University of Ghana with assistance from Dr Priscilla Twumasi Baffour. The event was opened by Dr Baffour with an introduction of the participants followed by a presentation from Professor Peter Quartey and Dr Nii Thompson, Director General of the National Planning Commission (NDPC) in Ghana.

Professor Peter Quartey provided a project overview, the focus of which centred around the history of planning in Ghana, and providing a summary of the aims and objectives of the project. The full presentation can be read here InceptionStakeholderWS-PQPresentation

Dr Nii Moi Thompson, Director General at the National Development Planning Committee (NDPC) presented ‘Random Thoughts on Development Planning’ focusing on the justification of a long term national development plan for Ghana highlighting the areas that need to be addressed including confronting the fear of the future, implementing the seven year development plan and the importance of long term planning. The full presentation can be read here InceptionStakeholderNT-PQPresentation

The workshop ended with a question and answer session on the points raised during the presentations. The full summary can be read here GhanaDiscussion